Lorraine Devine

  • 8 Gloria Road Randolph, Massachusetts, 02368 - Randolph
    The entire sidewalk in front of 8 Gloria Road is cracked and missing chunks of asphalt. Weeds grow profusely and are extremely unsightly. We painstakingly maintain our home. We landscape our property with flowers and shrubs to enhance its appearance. This torn up, weed-infested sidewalk is not an asset, and we would like to have it repaired and repaved.
  • 8 Gloria Road Randolph, Massachusetts, 02368 - Randolph
    The sidewalk is torn up and extremely unsightly. Weeds grow through the numerous cracks and where there is no longer any asphalt. We take exceptional care of our house and yard, and this is definitely not an asset to our efforts. We would like to have it repaired and repaved.